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Unwritten Rules of Tournament Wear

Jena Sims

Updated: Sep 16, 2021

What the heck do I wear to (insert any tournament here)? Each tournament follows a set of unwritten rules that I have mostly learned the hard way. There aren’t any repercussions for breaking any of these fashion faux pas but following these general notes should keep the unwanted “act like you’ve been here” stares away.

First and foremost: NO HEELS!

Not even a wedge. I’m going to even venture into the no flats territory. They just aren’t for cross country walking. You can’t go wrong with tennis shoes, golden gooses, (Golden geese?!), keds, supergas, you name it. Anything that falls in to the sneaker category will do. Next level advice: try not to rock a brand-new pair of Nikes unless you’ve worn them before, because you'll walk a sneaky amount at tournament events- like 3-6 miles easy. Blister City.

IF you are a cool kid and have access to the hospitality tents then go crazy and bust out your Louboutins. But also don’t. I’ve seen way too many gals out there doing the Vegas strip walk of shame with heels in hand at tournaments. If you’re trying to look cute for the boys- trust me they’d rather see you keeping up with them out there and not seeking out the first aid tent for band aids. Nothing is cuter than a floral sundress with some white tennies.

Boys, I’ll keep this one simple for you. Anything and I repeat ANYTHING but a golf shoe. There is a 0% chance one of the pros is going to hand you a club and ask you to celebrity shot for them. Now that footwear is behind us, I’m going to tackle the general flow of fashion. Thursday attire is different from Sun

day. If you want to wear athleisure, let's aim to keep it for Thursdays and Fridays of tournaments. In the same vein as wearing golf shoes to a golf course you’re not going to be golfing at…. try not to wear yoga pants if you’re not leading vinyasa shortly thereafter. Tennis skirts, Nike dresses, Biker shorts with a crop- fine. Golfcore fashion is rising in popularity, so there are tons of new athletic looking options! I usually rock athleisure on a day Brooks has an early tee time, just to make it easy.

Saturday and Sunday we play!

The options are endless here. Sundresses, a full set, rompers, jumpsuits, white denim, black denim- the list goes on. I try to not wear anything too tight, too short, or too fancy. Think “meeting the parents”, but for lunch. On the note of denim, please do not wear blue jeans- no matter what day of the tournament it is. It isn’t a good look, and most country clubs don’t allow it as a general rule. During the PGA of 2019, I wore white denim with horizontal holes and an ombre sweater. I got called out for having rips in my jeans so if you can, try to avoid holes. I’m out here making the mistakes so you don’t have to.

The sweater was by Alice and Olivia. Linked similar here.

Last but not least.....

Do not wear sunglasses on your boobs. And thats the Tee.


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